Kindness is essential in human relationships. If you are not kind to another person, then you are not fulfilling your main duty.
We must respect everyone, no matter how pathetic or ridiculous they may be. Remember that the spirit that dwells within every human being is the same as the one in us. Even when a person is repulsive in both spirit and body, we must think: “Yes, even such monsters must exist in the world, and we must tolerate them.” If we are to show our revulsion to such people, then, firstly, we are unjust, and secondly, we challenge such people to a battle to the death. Whatever he is, he cannot remake himself, so what else is he to do other than to fight us, as a mortal enemy? After all, we want to be kind to him, but only if he stops being the way he is. But this he cannot do. And that is why we must be kind to every person, whatever he may be, and we must not demand from him something that he cannot do, that he become someone else.
— After Schopenhauer
Do not be cruel to the one who is being tempted, but try to console him the same way you would like to be consoled.
— From “Devout Thoughts”
— After Jefferson
Do not despise anyone, suppress in your heart unkind judgements and hurtful suspicions about your neighbor, always interpret to yourself in best light the deeds and words of others.
— From “Devout Thoughts”
The holy man does not have a hard heart. He attunes his heart to the hearts of all people. He treats a virtuous person as one who is virtuous, and an immoral person as one who is capable of virtue.
— Eastern wisdom
The wiser and kinder a person is, the more he sees the goodness in others.
Kindness adorns life by resolving all contradictions—it makes the complicated clear, the difficult easy and the gloomy joyous.