Leo Tolstoy
Circle of Reading
Translated by Dmitry Fadeyev

April 4

Life should and can be a never-ending joy.


Life here is not a vale of tears, not a place of trials, but something so good that we cannot imagine anything better. The joy of this life is infinite, if only we would use it for what it was given us.


A person’s unkind disposition towards others makes him miserable and poisons other people’s lives. A loving disposition is like oil for the wheels of life, which makes it light and pleasant, both for him and for everyone he interacts with.


In general, people feel sad whenever they are deprived of their pleasures. But only he is right who knows how to simultaneously feel happy and not feel sad when the reason for his happiness passes.

— Pascal


Try it, maybe you will succeed living like a human being content with his fate, having attained inner peace through love and good deeds.

— Marcus Aurelius


The main secret to staying cheerful is not letting trifles disturb us while simultaneously appreciating all the small pleasures that come our way.

— Samuel Smiles


Never look for pleasure but always be ready to find pleasure in everything. If your hands are busy but your heart is free, then even the most trifling thing will give you pleasure, and you will find something interesting and enjoyable in everything you hear. But if you make pleasure the goal of your life, then a day will come when even the most comical scenes will not evoke true laughter in you.

— John Ruskin


A truly wise human being is always cheerful.

The main means of leading a joyful life is to believe that life is meant to be joyful. If joy ceases, look for what you are doing wrong.